I went to a horse race with my girlfriend and her father. Wasn't much interested in either so I took a few photos of the racing horses.
300.0 mm - 1/640 - sec F 9 - ISO 320
One of my first trys at photography
24mm - 1/40 sec - F 4.5
My attempt at studio lighting
46mm - 1/8 sec - F 9 - ISO 100
I stopped at a park in Middletown NJ, Deercut, to take a few photos before heading back to Arizona
300mm - 1/500 sec - F 9 - ISO 400
My very first attempt at long exposure. This photo was taken around midnight in Manasquan NJ
18.0 mm - 13.0 sec - F 7.1 -
I was hiking at Papago Park just after a rain shower, when this rainbow appeared over Scottsdale
17mm - 1/200 sec - F 16 - ISO 200
While driving out in the east Valley of Phoenix, I found a stop on the side of the road that allowed me to take this Panoramic photo of the Superstition Mountains
35mm - 3 sec - F 11 - ISO 200
Testing a 500mm lens at the Phoenix Zoo, this is a Golden Eagle
500mm - 1/800 sec - F 9 - ISO 1650

Trying my hand at some studio lighting, I was very pleased at the reflection off of the metal
23mm - 1/100 sec - F 2.8 - ISO 100
One daqy, walking around Tempe Town Lake, I was takan by suprise when the sky melted into this orange red tone, I grabbed my camera and found a puddle to get down and close to the ground
29mm - 1/30 sec - F 8 - ISO 100
Im fascinated with large airplanes. I checked the schedule of this British Airways 747, climbed to the top of a huge hill at Papago Park and was able to get this clean photo
300mm - 1/500 sec - F 16 - ISO 1600